
From OnTrackNorthAmerica
Revision as of 11:42, 2 April 2024 by JLohrmann (talk | contribs)

How it Works

  • Security is controlled through namespaces and user groups. Namespaces are groups of pages and user groups are groups of people. These things get a bit more complex but for our purposes that's enough.
  • Currently we have 3 important user groups
    • Highrest, Medrest, and Fac these stand for high restriction, medium restriction and facilitators.
    • Users marked as high restriction or Highrest will only be allowed to read pages in the Stakeholder KBs.
    • Users marked medium restriction or Medrest will be allowed to edit and create pages in the Stakeholder KBs.
    • People marked as Fac will be allowed read and write permissions in the the Internal KB as well as the Stakeholder KBs.
  • Pages with the prefix "Facilitators" in the title helps you know that text placed her will not be seen by Stakeholders
    • Facilitators have read/write/edit stakeholder pages because part of there job is to publish content to the Stakeholder pages.
  • We use "namespaces" as the way to group pages for a specific knowledge base such as OnTrackMississippi Stakeholders KB. In this example all pages able to be seen by OTM stakeholders will be in a namespace OTMStakeholders.