VitalRail: A Continental Freight Rail Growth Initiative
RE-SEED: Rail Enabled Sustainable Environment and Economic Development
RE-SEED is a comprehensive strategy for enhancing the sustainability and productivity of our industrial systems by expanding freight rail service. The need and opportunity for railroad development to address environmental challenges and transportation efficiency has never been greater. However, we need more from railroads than they can do themselves. Fortunately, railroads do not need a government bailout; they outperform many other industries. That stability, combined with rail technology’s inherent energy, space, and capital efficiency, will deliver a high return on investment when the involved groups work together on a comprehensive expansion of the rail transportation system.
RE-SEED engages thirteen “Interdependent Stakeholder Groups”: Class I Railroad Executives, Class II and III Railroad Leaders, Investors/Banks, Rail Employees, Citizens, Customers, Suppliers, Economic Developers, Transportation Planners, Land Developers, Researchers, Other Transportation Services/Modes, and Elected Leaders.
OnTrackNorthAmerica has identified an initial set of essential dialogues for expanding North America’s freight rail service. These dialogues are called IntelliConferences.
- Rail Management – Rail Labor
- Containerized International Freight
- Revitalizing the Rail Carload System
- Rail Energy Efficiency
- Freight Transportation Land Use
- Rail Technology Adoption
- Rail Trucking Coordination
- Rail Regulatory Excellence