Knowledgebase Functionality and Design
From OnTrackNorthAmerica
- Text Document Formatter
- Embed in wiki
- Custom Mediawiki Skin
- Working with Peter to take care of that
- Participant agreement to create an account
- Should be on the Create account page and must be clicked to create account
- How long was a User on
- Per day
- Per week
- When do they log on
- Time since and between edits
Facilitator Only
- Users should not be able to see other user’s comments on the *topics/questions Facilitators should
- User Permissions Page and Page Permissions
- These pages allow us to manage and design access for internal staff and content and external Stakeholder Portal members and content
- User Permissions Page and Page Permissions
- Need to summarize what we are doing with permissions to date
- Maybe can be done with Approved Revisions
- Countdown timer to when questions closes (?)
- Cargo and Statistical data for the page should be stored on a different facilitator-only page
- Setup sending a round of Questions
- Participants shouldn’t see other participant’s answers
- We should have a form where they respond to questions
- Google docs to excel spreadsheet type of forum